$1,555.00 USD

Want to add my 30 Day Journal and Planner To Soul Alignment eBook for just $11 to your order today? 
This Journal has been designed to help you shut out all of the noise and begin to uncover all of the things that are out of alignment, and then help you with the intention and mindfulness as you begin to step into a life you TRULY desire to create. 

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Intuitive Business Building, Alignment, & Coaching Package


What I can do for you within this container: 

-Energy Activations for creativity, alignment, & manifestation.
-Intuitive Offering Blueprint- I am given a full blueprint from your guides on what to offer, how to offer it, and how to market it. 
-Energy Healing, Clearing, & Aligning.
-Empowerment Work.
-Mindset Work.
-Leadership Training.
-Product Suite Building.
-Content Creation- Workbook, Worksheets, Trackers, Wallpapers, & Printables. 
-Confidence Building.
-Building Your Brand.
-Website Building Help (on certain platforms), Promo Graphic, & Ad Copy Help.
-Regular On-going Intuitive Guidance around your business. 

This Coaching Package is for you if:

-You have a business but may not feel as aligned with it as you once did.

-If you need direction or intuitive insight on where to shift or pivot in your business.
-You feel overwhelmed and looking for intuitive support with some components of building your business.

-You do not know what to offer next in your business, but know you have a genius inside you and magic to share!

-Feel like you still have abundance, confidence, or visibility blocks stopping you from the success you desire.

-Want to start a business but have no idea where to start.

-Want to start a business, but not sure if you have what it takes (FYI you do! Together we can help you go within and find that entrepreneurial magic).


What this Coaching Package Entails, How we will meet: 

-FOUR Once a week One On One 60-90 minute Mastermind calls with Jenn. 
You choose what we cover during each session. We can pull intuitive blueprints for your offerings, we can knock out some ad copy, we can work on your website, branding, or promo graphics, we can do empowerment work, energy clearing. 

-Unlimited email access to me when you have questions, want some feedback or edits, or you are feeling stuck in between our one-on-one calls. 

-Help with content creation. 

-Help with Promo Graphics

-A private mastermind Facebook Group (from one of your bonus-  6 months in my inner circle for other Boss Babes where you can connect, share ideas, get feedback, and stay in the frequency of high vibe soul led entrepreneurs. 

-Once a month live group coaching calls in the Facebook Group. You can continue to take part in these calls and in the group long after our four weeks together!  




When you sign up for this package you will also get access to some of my powerful business alignment offerings! You will receive access to my: 

-Boss Babe Your Life empowerment course ($37 Value),
-Business Alignment Blueprint course ($37 Value), 

-Access to THREE Women's Circle/Workshop Packages You can use for your own audience base ($300 Value),

-AND access to a SIX MONTHS free inside my VIP Boss Babe Business Building, Coaching, & Support Inner Circle ($342 Value)! 


 I am so excited for this new container I am creating to help women fully align to the be the soul led Boss Babes we all came here to be!

All too often, I see women giving up on their dreams, goals, and soul desires due to a variety of reasons.

One of the biggest blocks I have observed is being out of alignment with your business, who you are at a soul level, and what it is your soul is truly here to create.

 I help activate you and step into your highest iconic soul led work!

 I have been there, and I totally see you! I find myself re-aligning with my business on a regular basis.

And I want to help other women do the same.


I am in the process of creating this multi-versed community to help magic makers and boss babes of all kinds get into alignment with their soul desires, release limitations and abundance blocks, and gain confidence in sharing their messaging, offerings, and creations!


I mix intuition, guide communication (I meet with my business guides often!), shadow work, coaching, mindset work, and mentoring, along with a little bit of business witchery to bring the joy, abundance, alignment, and magic back into your business!


I cannot wait to walk with you all on your journey to joy, abundance, freedom, and alignment.



I have many other offerings and free resources over on my website. 
I have courses, Healing sessions, Business Alignment coaching, Intuitive Readings, eBooks, Journals, Workbooks, and more.
 Check out the magic HERE>>>