A Day In The Life Of A Wayward Witch

I posted in my group today about how I was reflecting on my day, and I felt compelled to expand on it and share a message of hope, a message of choosing YOU, and of keeping your soul desires at the forefront of your intentions. 

A day in the life of a Wayward Witch...(and keep in mind for later, that five years ago none of this was my reality!).
Magic moments from my day today: 

  • For the first few hours of the day I did a bunch of random things that felt good to do, whatever I wanted in each moment- I worked on some content for my beloved Monthly Magic Membership, I worked on some info for the upcoming Intuition Building Workshop, had some coffee, chilled with the puppy (the one that ate my Tarot cards yesterday!)...there may or may not have been an early morning nap in there as well. 
  • Later on in the day I identified someone's walk in and opened up the invitation for it to be removed from their energy field.
  • I helped someone clear an attachment and cut some energetic cords that had been with them for years.
  • I crossed over several spirits in several different locations at several different times of the day. (One of my favorite things to do to help spirit!) 
  • I tapped into a friend's land and spoke with some ancestors there, and saw two interesting portal/gateway things.
  • I helped amazing women in my membership bust some more shadows in my Intro to Shadow Work class tonight.
  • I had a session where I gave some business alignment guidance and coaching.
  • Answered some emails and questions.
  • Read a few pages from a powerful book I'm studying about shadow mastery.
  • Posted a few things to social media.
  • Made dinner for the fam.
  • Did some work with my mastermind group.
  • Watched a little bit of a winter hallmark movie 😉
  • Got back on my computer, wrote this post, worked on some more content and other computer work. 

All things I loved doing! (minus the making dinner part, but that's OK).   
My current reality is that my entire days are filled up with doing things I love. (And again, it was NOT always like this. Not that long ago it was 100% the opposite! Stick with me and keep reading for more details about that!) 

And here I was thinking I didn't have a very productive day!
Sometimes it's important to reflect.  
As I mentioned, five years ago NONE of this was my reality. None!
And even after I began to find my magic, it still took some time to leave my job.
Just five months ago I was still in a stressful job I hated being at, and feeling very robbed of my time (me believing that was an example of being in my victim shadow, of course). 

But I never gave up on my soul desire. You know, that one hope/dream/goal that has possibly been there your entire adult life (possibly even longer), that you may even still be ignoring... or....maybe you are at that point where you can't ignore it anymore. 

I wanted nothing more than to do work I LOVED doing, and I knew I desired freedom of time above anything else I could want. 
Freedom to go about my day in whatever way I want, moment to moment was something that I SOOOO desired, but thought it would NEVER happen.
But, I never dismissed that desire, even if I didn't think it was in the cards for me. It was still a desire. I couldn't ignore it if I wanted to. It was just one of those things that are with you naturally without even trying. The one that doesn't go away until you start paying attention to it and then honoring what it's asking for. This is what I refer to as a "soul desire". 
The freedom to schedule in play, magic, fun, doing work you love, napping, being creative, traveling, or whatever else I could ever want, WHEN I wanted- if I could get to that space, it would be one of those ultimate steps to freedom and to "you have arrived" energy. 
And guess what friends, I have arrived. 
I want to really stress here that once upon a time, I NEVER thought this would happen. And if it did, I assumed I would be 80 years old by the time it happened. So, even if you don't see a way, I am here to confirm it IS POSSIBLE. Everything you desire IS possible and available to you. And you already deserve it all too, while we are at it. 

My reflection today was a huge reminder of just how much magic I've incorporated into my regular everyday life. It was kind of an eye opening moment to realize this today. 
Everyday magic, and doing what I love has become "normal" and integrated.

 Never did I think that living a life of DAILY magic was going to be the new norm, so much so, that I often forget just how much magic is present in my day to day life. 

And to further drive this inspiration home for you- Let's talk about the piece where my days had zero magic in them five years ago. Z.E.R.O. 
I worked in a job I hated. (In fact, I always seemed to wind up in jobs I hated). 
I drove in traffic I hated. 
I lived in a city I hated.
I was in a marriage I hated, with a person I was starting to hate.
I hated myself. My decisions. My financial status. My looks and body. 
I hated everything. 
I had anxiety and depression. 
I often wondered if getting hit by a semi truck would be better than doing another day of the proverbial ground hog's day of misery. Over and over and over again. 

I had no clue the magic that was already within and available too me. (And by the way, it's all available to and within you as well, which is the whole point of this post, to remind you of that.) 
A completely magical being, living a completely NON-magical life. Imagine what that does to a soul. 
But then I realized magic really was a thing. Manifesting and creating your reality was a thing. Spirit & guides were a thing. Shadow work was a thing! 
I dove right into my magic finding journey head first. I absorbed all that I could about anything and everything intuitive, inner healing, manifesting, and magic. I showed up for myself EVERY.DAMN.DAY. 
I was committed and dedicated. Both curious and discerning. 

I invested in some insanely powerful courses, coaching, and mentoring that were such a catalyst, guide, and support for me stepping into my role of a proudly wayward witch- psychic medium, money mindset coach, magic mentor, spiritual guidance counselor, and shadow work practitioner (plus all my other certifications, qualifications, and experiences. These are just some of my favorites!) 
Which is why I am here now, doing what I do. To return the favor for the next set of magic beings ready to step into their fully aligned power and who are ready to do it the Wayward Way. 

I help the rule breakers and the magic makers turn their shadows into soul alignment, and create a life they are in love with by throwing out the rule books and the limitations, and embarking on an accelerated, intuitive, and highly expansive shadow work journey.

We start the transformation on November 4th. 
If you are ready to play in this energy, and transform your daily life into one where magic all day is normal, where you feel good, where you love yourself, and where you honor your soul desires- I am extending the invitation, and holding the lantern for those that feel called to embark on their shadow work. 
You can learn more & sign up here. 

Looking forward to walking the journey with you. 
Sending lots of magic and alignment your way, 
~ Jenn N. 
The Wayward Witch 


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