"The devil you know isn't necessarily better than the one you don't." 

I don't know about you, but I do a ton of energy work, healing, and timeline collapsing in my sleep, and have also been getting some insightful downloads and messages lately. 

Last night I had a dream that I was holding a doll and suddenly a giant red cartoon-ish devil came out of the doll.  (Think the genie coming out of the lamp in the movie Aladdin). 

I tapped into the message behind the dream once I woke up and was guided to pull out my Tarot deck once again. 

The Devil card in Tarot does not represent some evil being who comes from the outside world. In fact, it's quite the opposite. 
This card reminds us that each of us have "devils" inside of us that we have created, and then hid in our shadows. 

Addiction, bad habits, obsessions, and unhealthy decisions that we continue to cling to and keep in our energy fields, even long after it becomes blatantly clear that they are leading us in the wrong direction and essentially holding ourselves hostage. 

You may have heard me mention the "comfort zone of discomfort" before. And that is exactly why we hold onto these "devils". Because they are familiar, and even though they are making us highly uncomfortable and unfulfilled- it still seems less scary than the unknown.  

Some questions to ask yourself when the Devil card comes up (*cough, cough* like now, considering I was guided to share my dream with you all!) : 

*What does the Devil card stand for in your life?
*What holds you back?
*Are you looking clearly at all the aspects of your life-relationships, jobs, patterns of thought or behavior, where you are holding on too tightly to things that are not serving your highest good?

Lets keep up the good work of understanding our shadows and continue on a path of living more "whole-istically".

If you need support on this quest, feel free to reach out anytime!

I see you and I am here for you. 

Sending love, light, & lots of magic, 
~Jenn N. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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